Welcome Message From The Programme Director

A Very Warm Welcome To castER Malaysia!

The Clinical Airway Skill Training In Emergency Room Malaysia was initiated on the 4th of July in 2017 by a group of airway enthusiasts. Our main aspirations are to inspire all medical and ER front-liners through networking, teaching and sharing current knowledge with core practices; as well as updating skills, tips and tricks in delivering SAFE Emergency Airway Management. We truly hope this FOAMed website will be a bridge to partake in a fulling and fruitful airway journey ahead for you and for me, as a TEAM!

Team Vision

“High Intention, Sincere Effort, Intelligent Execution.”

Course Mission

Empowering A Timely, Decisive, Effective & Safe Emergency Airway Management.

Joanne Mei Hwa Hng, MD

Founding Programme Director